Map Your Resighting

Scroll past search tips to login or register for search feature.

New Profile FeatureWe are now requiring a login to use the Map Your Resighting feature to determine how often the feature is accessed. This website is primarily funded by grants, so the ability to report concrete facts about use is important in securing funding. Registration is not required to report a resighting, but if a user is registered and logs in, certain fields will be pre-filled from the profile. These include first name, last name, email and co-ordinates and the name of the favorite resighting location. Users can even create more than one profile to call up the co-ordinates of more than one location. To register - scroll down past search tips, click on the underlined word "here" to bring up registration page.

Required information for registration includes username, password, first name, last name and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions statement regarding data use. Email is not required to prevent excluding those who do not have an email. However, we strongly urge users to include email addresses in their profile. This information is not shared with any other organization. It is only used to contact users if we have questions regarding their data entry or to share information about the status of birds tracked in the database.

Please note this registration is for the public sector of the database only. Inquiries for accessing the research sectors should be directed to the database manager, Lena Usyk, Also, this registration and log-in is separate from the discussion forum. Users already registered to use the forum will need to register here to use the mapping feature and take advantage of the profile set-up for pre-filling resighting report fields.

Tips about Searching

Resightings just reported will not yet include a location name as part of the listing; however, they will appear on the map. The reported information must be verified to be assigned a location name.

For 2 character Light Green Flags, the color band must be included to locate an individual. For example, enter code as J4:DG, J4:O or J4:M. Also search for the code as J4:Q for data received without the color band information. 

Remember, birds reported with only a marker color and no code are generally part of a large group of cohorts (several birds banded in a like manner) and cannot be searched for as individuals.

You must create a simple profile before you can access the "Map Your Resighting" feature. Creating a profile is free and easy - just go here and fill out the short form.

If you have already created a profile, please login below:


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